Friday, October 16, 2009

Sometimes I wish I was enthusiastic about life as Rob Dyrdek, where does he get it all?

Oh man. Totally crazy week. Started off with a 340 person catering on Monday. No school, but I still had to go in at 6:30am! We all worked on plating everything. There was croissant chicken salad sandwiches, with pasta salad, and kahlua tiramisu for dessert! It turned out really awesome.Def need to get that recipe - it was so good! (We also covered 4 other tables just like this, most dessert I've ever seen!)

So after THAT crazy day, had to go to work all week of course. But we also had to cater to the Washington Accreditation Board, who was using our conference room and Fireside Bistro while they were doing their "accreditation" thing.. We served them from Wednesday to Friday, and it was a lot! I was in the Bistro kitchen and did a ton of different stuff. A lot of good food! Did my first fruit platter too.. Also got to make a breakfast menu (not fun getting there at 6am, but fun to make the food!) I made a hazelnut cream cheese stuffed french toast with a blueberry syrup, uhhmmmmm amazing? We also made a smoked salmon eggs Benedict which was phenom. We all got to sit out on the loading dock and eat it =].

Chef Plemmons' fruit platter... Pretty awesome!

For lunch we made a pumpkin white bean soup, a northwest salad with peaches and feta cheese, and a cranberry dijon chicken. Thursday we had two caterings, (I know .. so many) which we had to make a dish to send to the president of the board. We made seafood louie (sp?) that had crab, mussels, and shrimp - did I tell you I love seafood? Find the recipe for this, it was AMAZING. Then we made ratatouille en croute, and a pork tenderloin with a apricot veloute sauce. Then today we had the Bistro Four Course, and we switched stations - so I am now in the Bistro service. Wow lemme tell you, I'm glad I never had a serving job before this because it's much better to learn first. Had 34 covers today which normally on a busy day we get 20. Had to serve for an hour and 40 mins, and then one of my team members decided to walk out because she was mad that it was busy? Not sure exactly why she got so mad but then I had to take over her tables.. Super awesome. It's a school, so don't yell and get all pissed off, because you have to spend the rest of the year with those same people right? Whatever. People are amazing!

So I thought I did pretty good, but I do need practice at serving. Oh well! Everyone has to learn sometime. At least I got some tips to take to the bar with me tonight! It's Julie's 52nd birthday week and we're going to the Sidebar for happy hour! Good I need a drink. =]

Have to work tomorrow, boooo. But it's rainy so maybe it won't be too busy? Who knows! I'm hoping for a relaxing weekend.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My computer sucks, just typed out a post - and it CLOSED THE WINDOW. Ugh. Let's try again!

I finally got to the shop this week, and had a huge pile of receipts waiting for me! Jon showed me his new ride too..
Last weekend I went to run errands with Jon and De. We went by Sportsman's Warehouse (Outdoor Outfitters Wholesale Sports? Stupid) so that they could find new gun holsters. I was informed that searching for a gun holster is the same as me looking for a purse, so I was sympathetic to their quest. But while they were shopping I wandered around the store, because I like wandering. I stumbled upon this little beauty..
Not only funny because Jon was in the store when I text him this picture, but you also had to buy the special funnel adaptor to fit your butt. Yuck. But I did find this really nice filet knife for my Dad. It even came with leather cover that had Indian designs on it. I'm definitely getting one for myself!

So school this week was okay. Fun because I started in the Bistro kitchen, but sucked because I was sick and had to miss school and work. Had a pretty high fever (100.4) and couldn't really do much about having to miss school.. Still felt like a slacker though! Anyway, Fridays are 4 course meals from different countries in the Bistro restaurant, so this week it was Chilean cuisine.

First course: Soup
Crema Fria De Palta
(Chilled Avocado Soup w/ Sour Cream Garnish)
Second Course: Entree
Zenzero Achiote Sea Bass w/ Pineapple Salsa

Third Course: Salad
Ensalada a la Chilena
(Chilean Tomato and Sweet Onion Salad)

Fourth Course: Dessert
Baked Apple Ice Cream w/ Caramelized Chilean Apples
Everything tasted really amazing. I helped plate some of them, but the "salad" plate was my responsibility. I made tomato "flowers" with tomato petals and a green salad dressing on the plate, then put the salad in a mold and put it on the plate with a chopped cabbage garnish. It was really fun to plate - I love the creative aspect of it. But I was kind of bored because I was done with all my stuff so fast. Haha dang, guess that's what I get for being uberproductive. The dessert was TO DIE FOR. I recommend it highly! I am going to buy an icecream maker just so I can make that icecream.
I also took three tests this week, which I got an A+ and an A- on two (haven't gotten the third one back yet). So I'm pretty proud of my study regime, even though I don't have free time for anything else during the week. At least I'm getting good grades right? =]
Off to watch Food Network, and work on my recipe notebook! <3

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sweet Cherry Pie!

Busy day! I filet-ed a giant halibut today. LOTS easier than filet-ing salmon. Then I poached it in a court bouillon and served it with a sauce made from it! Also came with a pineapple orange salsa! I love cooking seafood, it's really easy and tastes amazing. Def going to have a lot of seafood at my restaurant =]. I move to the "Bistro Kitchen" on Monday, which is a "real" restaurant. We make food for orders in the Fireside Bistro Restaurant. I'm pretty excited because I'll get to learn a whole bunch of stuff. And we have a whole day dedicated to prep! Ahhh so much easier =]

Been cooking all week at school, then coming home and making stuff too! Last night I made chipotle pork fried rice, uhm, YUM. It turned out pretty good. Also bought these mini pots de creme bowls and made mini apple pies with creme anglaise.. I used apples from the tree in the yard, and they were really tart so I had to use a lot of sugar. They turned out good though! So def using a different kind of apple next time. And the creme anglaise was really good on it.
Here they are!

I also started to make a present for my Dad for his birthday. I usually make him cherry pie, but I wanted to make something that would last a little longer. So I made a little slice =]

How cute! I had a lot of fun making it. Plus I think I'm going to paint a plate to put it on. Fun and easy gift to give! Lemme know if you have a birthday coming up! =]