Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Cleaning.

Today was good, busy at work! Been auditing the files so a lot of paperwork and computer time, but it makes the day go by so much faster. =]

After work I came home to clean the house and move stuff around. Adam is gonna move in so I had to "clean 1 of my 3 rooms" as Jonathan put it. So I'm not like disgustingly sloppy and messy. I just have too much stuff and not enough organizational tools to help me. So when I ask Jon for help cleaning stuff and he says no - my "rooms" get a little full of crap. Haha! I try to organize as I go, but I'm just terrible at cleaning my room for some reason =]. So Adam and Jon helped me (Adam without any complaint, and Jon with a lot of complaining) move out stuff and get piles ready for Goodwill! I really hate just throwing stuff away, such a waste. Jon has to go to Goodwill now. Hahaha I'm not very nice am I? BUT I bought the boys some nice dinner for their trouble, (BK Lounge anyone?).

Family Guy is on, and we're watching it of course. I don't think there's been a day yet that it hasn't been on TV at SOME time. Chris is this your doing? If so, thanks for reminding us to laugh buddy.

I want one of those crazy Blackberry charging pads! Those are awesome!

Anyway, Christmas is coming. Not as excited about it this year, probably because I didn't get to go shopping for people. My favorite part about Christmas is buying people fun presents. =[ oh well, you can't win 'em all.

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