It's an apple swan, can you tell? I thought it was inventive!
So once I get my camera battery charged I can post more pictures of my daily stuff - but right now time is a high priced commodity! I get up at 6am and I am usually at school around 6:30-6:45am to get ready for the day. Then I run like hell all day cooking and learning, and get out of class at 2:00pm. I then get to go home and eat, rest, and change before heading off to work at Snap Fitness from 4pm-7pm. OH YEAH! I have to fit like 2-3 hrs of studying in before bed at 9:30pm... =] Prettttyyy crazy, but it makes the days go by pretty darn fast if you ask me.
I got my business cards in today! They are pretty amazing. Totally me, ferrshhhh. =] My "company name" is really more of a mission statement. It is "À moitié plein " which is a French saying meaning "The cup is half full". That's the way I've been trying to look at things lately. Jon doesn't like Negative Nancy, so I've had to pull out Optimistic Opal =]. I think it's pretty awesome, what do you think?
Anyway, I have to go cook dinner now, but I'll put up some more pics of little projects I've been working on lately! =]